Saturday, April 04, 2009

The joke is on you...

For years Parker has been attempting to make jokes and for the most part well, lets just say we laughed to be nice and encourage him on his riddling journey not b/c they made sense...

Well, the past few months he has been attempting to create his own jokes and some are really funny and witty... Here are 3 of my favorites:

Parker: What is Santa's favorite candy?
Parker's funny answer: Jolly Ranchers

Parker: What was wrong with the first airplane?
His creative answer: It wasn't made Wright/right (haha get it??)

Parker: What is Master Shifu's favorite food?
Parker's silly answer: Shi-food (Seafood... cute right??)


Grandpa Willis said...

Very funny! I'm looking forward to hearing some more Parker jokes this week.

Lela Kay said...

We def need to tape some of his comedy routines! I"m sure it would be a hoot! Stand that boy behind a microphone stand and let him go to town! :-)

Kara Miller said...

Whoa, those are pretty witty. I always wanted to be a comedian, but I have no timing...or memory. I only have one (inappropriate)joke that I remember.