Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bird calls...

Aunt Margaret, this one's for you!

This morning the kids were playing a game where Lillie was a baby bird and Parker was going to hunt food and feed it to her. As she sat in her "nest" Parker said to her, "Ok Lils, you are the baby and I am the male and I am going to get you some worms." Lillie then adamantly says, "NO Parkerrrr!! I don't want to play mailman. I want to play daddy bird!" Parker starts cracking up and says, "Lillie you're thinking of the wrong diagraph!"

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Ha! You speak my language! (kind of)

Nicole, I keep meaning to email you. We'll be at Grandma's house on Sunday, June 14, if you want to come visit. We'll be there all day and leave Monday morning. We'd love to see you all!