Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Have itch. Need paint.

This always happens when Trev is gone on a trip. I get an itch to paint, rearrange and decorate. Maybe it's because painting and decorating are not exactly high on his list of favorite things to do so when he is away, his wife likes to ummm... change things up? Or maybe, it's because our evenings are usually spent hanging out with each other so when he's not around, I need something to fill up the time.  He has been known to leave for work in the morning with a white living room and return from work with a red one one. He has also been known to leave on a business trip with 1 dresser and a night stand and return home a few days later with 2 dressers, a refurnished end table, and a "new" headboard.  We have gotten to a point after 12 1/2 years that he will walk in the door some nights take a sniff and ask not, "What's for dinner?" but "What did you paint today?" Funny story... A few years back I rearranged our bedroom furniture while he was gone for a week. The first night back at home and I am awakened in the middle of the night by a loud THUMP and then some groaning. Trev had gotten up to check on one of the kiddos and on the way back forgot that I rearranged and nailed his knee into a hope chest that I strategically had placed on the end of the bed. OOPS... I think I may have inadvertantly passed this gene on to Lillie. The other day she came home from school and went up to her room. I presumed she was changing into comfy clothes but instead, she emerges 40 minutes later and announces, " Mom! You have got to see my room!!! I rearranged and organized!" (that's my girl). So, I have a few lonely nights without Trev around. What should I paint? Reburbish? Organize? Rearrange? Guess you will have to stay tuned...

BTW: Does anyone else look at this pic of paint cans in vibrant colors (probably called "sunburst", "green chilies" and "pale cucumber") and get a tingly excited feeling? Maybe it's a sick disorder that I have, but I LOVE paint! Seriously, a perfect date night is dinner with Trev and then strolling Home Depot looking at the Ralph Lauren paint collection. haha...


Lauren said...

Geez Nicole. I forgot how much I enjoy your blog and how great of a writer you are. Lookin' forward to more posts!


Nicole said...

Aww... well thanks Lau ::blushing:: Just so you know.. sisters of bloggers are free game. They can end up in blog posts at any time ( just giving you fair warning. LOL!)