Friday, November 19, 2010

Keeping it "reel" and keeping it cold...

I am SO not a cold-weather person. I am not even a cool-weather person. I am a full fledged hot and humid lover of heat! This whole waking up to frost and having to start my van 15 minutes before going out puts a HUGE crimp in my style. I live for flip flops, breath snow cones, languish long long days at the pool, crave hanging out with friends at the playground and dream of water balloons... you get the idea. The past few years I have put forth an effort each winter to make myself look forward to cold day rituals and winter activities. One of these events is Friday movie night! It starts the second the kids get home from school ( 3:52 to be exact). They immediately take long hot bubble baths and then they put on warm fleecy clothes straight from the dryer ( you should hear the "oooohhss" and "ahhhsss" as the craziness of the week leaves their little bodies). Then we proceed to do our Friday dance party ( music and dancing) while we wait for Trev to walk thru the door with pizza!!! We move the furniture to create a big "couch bed", start a fire, grab quilts and flannel blankets, make some popcorn and hot cocoa and prepare to hunker down for an evening of relaxation and family time.  TOTAL bliss I tell ya! There are few times when winter is welcome around here and you better believe tonite is one of them! 


Lela Kay said...

Enjoy your family movie night! You all deserve extra amounts of snuggles with Daddy being gone for the past few days! :-) Love you all and send you hugs from Ohio! ;-)

Nicole said...

haha.. I'm not used to the "Love from Ohio"... I do like it though;-) You guys have an awesome evening as well!!!! xoxoxo